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Why blogging is making a comeback!

I was a 27-year-old gal ablaze with a single dream as I set foot in Lagos; "I'm going to design handbags" and I was ready to give it everything I had to make it come true. One thing led to another and within a year I found myself in 3 leadership roles in the creative sector; one as head of what was to become the international fashion brand, Zashadu.

Zainab Ashadu sitting with Vintage Zashadu Bags
Some of the first ever Zashadu Bags, circa 2011

A storyteller by nature, in 2010, I decided to keep a blog to share the creative process as well as available new pieces. This humble blog became the cornerstone of the brand, allowing us to create connections and community.

As time went on, and for no real reason, I slowly stopped blogging. I became busier, I became a mother, Instagram became a thing, in my personal life I was metamorphosing, cocooning, emerging and reemerging, shedding, and constantly expanding.

Stylish African Woman sitting on a leather sofa minimalist
41 year old Me these days

Now it’s 2024, Zashadu is 14 years old, and like any teenager, at a crucial point in her development.

And I, the woman behind all of this? I'm fulfilled, empowered, and unapologetically proud of what we have accomplished. I’ve discovered that I’m destined to make the impossible possible, challenge static mindsets, and redefine what is achievable. I’ve also figured out that I am a rare gem and have learned to truly appreciate and protect myself.

Handbag Exhibition in a luxury store in Lagos Nigeria
Zashadu's recent fashion installation at Temple Muse, Lagos

If you’ve been here from the beginning, I know you’re happy to have me back (and likewise me, you), and if you’re just joining us, sit back and enjoy snippets from my world.

It's my story, yes, but perhaps it can be a spark for yours too.

With love and blessings,

Zainab x


Hi, thanks for stopping by!

I'm the Creative Director of the Upcycled Leather Accessories Brand, Zashadu 2010, based in Lagos. I'm also an Intuitive Energy Healer since 2019 x

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