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Custom Energy Healing Course for High Functioning Leaders CEOs/Entrepreneurs

  • 6Weeks
  • 2Steps


Are you a High Functioning person, CEO’s, Leader or Entrepreneur experiencing: Persistent anxiety A life that looks amazing from the outside but feels like the opposite from within Reoccurring Burnout Reoccurring problems in your personal relationships Consistent feast and famine cycles in your business and personal finances Difficulty coping with day to day stresses of life Constantly feeling overwhelmed Self sabotaging behaviour Feeling undeserving of the success you have attained? If you are truly committed to living in alignment with the Highest Timeline available to you, a custom course may be perfect for you. In this tailored course we WILL -Shift MASSIVE amounts of stale energy quickly and permanently -Dissolve ancestral/energetic/physical blocks painlessly -Heal a specific issue/s -Clear your persistent obstacles in order to reach and sustain highest timelines or desired goals *Course will take place over, 9/ or 12 consecutive weeks, depending on what we are clearing. *Course will be done via video or telephone depending on the session *Includes telephone support 12 noon -7 pm, Monday till Saturday for the entire duration of our sessions. PLEASE NOTE; Working with me will GUARANTEE that you shift massive amounts of energy in your life, doors will open up for you and you will literally be unrecognisable within a relatively short period of time. I am a very powerful (and gentle :) healer, passionately dedicated to my mission and all the beautiful souls contracted to working with me. Throughout our time together, I will guide you, provide support and help you clear obstacles from your path. I will lead you into the depths of your soul, but you WILL NEED TO SHOW UP CONSISTENTLY and trust yourself deeply. Working with me is for you if you are ready and willing to - -Step out of your own way -Say bye bye to your own BS -Break generational patterns in your bloodline -Willing to shine your Light really BRIGHT.

You can also join this program via the mobile app.





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